ENERGIA Phase 5: Women’s Economic Empowerment
ENERGIA Phase 5 (Sida Program)
Project status
Core countries
Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda
Project vision
To increase women and men’s equal and equitable access to, and control over, sustainable energy services as an essential right to development. To drive women’s empowerment by supporting and enabling women energy entrepreneurs; and to advocate for and strengthen gender mainstreaming in energy policies, programmes and institutions at the international, regional and national levels.
Intervention areas
- Facilitating advocacy and lobby on gender and energy
- Strengthening gender and energy networks
- Gender mainstreaming in medium to large-scale energy projects
- Gender mainstreaming in energy policies and institutions
- Promoting understanding and actions on gender in energy through knowledge management
- Gender mainstreaming in the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC)
Impacts per area
Policies and commitments
25 UN Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) partner organisations made gender-informed public commitments as a result of ENERGIA’s advocacy and lobby interventions.
15 organisations translated their gender commitments into gender and energy initiatives.
- 92 decision makers reported perceptible changes in their organisations towards including gender in energy policies and programmes/projects following ENERGIA’s advocacy.
7 national governments endorsed SEforALL Action Agendas and included gender objectives, components or activities as a result of ENERGIA’s partner inputs. A further 7 sub-national energy plans/strategies included gender and were aligned with the national SEforALL Action Agendas.
Knowledge sharing and women’s inclusion
120 gender experts and women from the South (supported by the program) participated in lessons and knowledge sharing during global and regional SEforAll events that reached approximately 7,905 practitioners.
33 policy-orientated products were developed to specifically address current knowledge gaps in linkages between gender, energy and poverty.
32.89 million people were reached through national level campaigns.
108 collaborative initiatives that leveraged gender and energy action were undertaken as a direct result of ENERGIA partners’ networking activities.
Women’s economic empowerment impacts
4,153 women-led SMEs were supported through the programme, of those, 94% made business decisions for their enterprise.
More than 95% of the women-led SMEs who had taken loans successfully managed their repayment installments.
90% of the women-led SMEs were operational at least until 1.9 years after the program concluded.
Wider community impacts
2.9 million consumers were reached with energy products and services.
663,097 units of energy products were sold by the women-led SMEs
5,311 salaried and non-salaried employees were engaged by the women-led SMEs excluding the owner(s).
Household impacts
Women saved 52% of the time that was previously spent on fuel wood collection (from the project baseline) due to their purchase of clean cookstoves from the women-led SMEs.
45% reduction in households’ monthly expenditures for cooking energy fuel due to the use of improved cookstoves and briquettes bought from the women-led SMEs.
58% reduction in households’ monthly expenditures for lighting fuel due to the clean and efficient lighting sources women bought from the women-led SMEs.
As a result of this project, ENERGIA, together with our network and allies, was credited with playing a major role in the inclusion of clean cooking target indicators in SDG 7 through our thought leadership.
2013 – 2018
Who we worked with
Our five core partners for the project:
- Energy for Impact
- Practical Action Eastern Africa
- Centre for Rural Technology Nepal
- Solar Sister
- Kopernik
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
- Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
- Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ENERGIA’s involvement continues as part of the SDG 7 Technical Advisory Group, and through our work in Phase 7 of the program and our work on the Africa-Europe Foundation Clean Cooking Manifesto and Gender-Responsive Electric Cooking in Nepal.