Skip to: Women’s work is never done: Lifting the gendered burden of firewood collection and household energy use in Kenya

Energia website

  • This paper sets out the reasons, both from a Southern and from a Northern perspective, why gender issues need to be more strongly integrated into energy policies, planning and projects, to increase sustainable energy access for women. It refers to relevant recommendations made at UN meetings and other expert gatherings and lists a number of […]

  • In the rural areas of India and other third world countries, women have traditionally shouldered the responsibility of managing the domestic energy requirements for their families. As the predominant sources of fuel are derived from biomass resources, women have a very intrinsic and symbiotic relationship with their surrounding natural resource system. However, due to a […]

  • This paper highlights a number of different positions that can be taken regarding the reason for and purpose of a gender approach in energy planning. The two extreme positions ‘gender for efficiency’ and ‘gender for equity’ are described. Most energy planners are found somewhere in between these extremes. Next the question of how the gender […]

  • New perspectives in the energy sector adopted at the Rio Conference, and new approaches to gender issues discussed at the Beijing Conference, are especially congenial to the adoption of a gender approach in energy policy and planning at this time. This article suggests that mutual concerns in energy fora and gender circles, jointly addressed, could […]
