
Where Energy is Women’s Business: National and Regional Reports from Africa,Asia, Latin America and the Pacific

National papers and regional reports sponsored by ENERGIA provide country-specific profiles and policy recommendations from countries where gender and energy linkages are the strongest. For many years, ENERGIA has been working to raise awareness about gender and energy linkages. One focus has been on advocacy at international meetings, including sessions of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), and the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Another focus has been on building national and regional networks of experts, government officials, academics and civil society organisations in an effort to influence energy and development policies. In preparation for discussions on access to energy at the 14th and 15th sessions of the CSD, ENERGIA commissioned several regional reports, as well as national consultations in countries where there are significant linkages between dependence on biomass for energy,women’s roles as energy suppliers, and poverty, especially in rural areas.

The regional reports cover Africa and Asia,where ENERGIA is most active, as well as Latin America, where ENERGIA has had collaborative relationships with regional networks, and the Pacific,where there is an active network of island states.