During the first lockdown in Nepal, no one was ready to sell chickens in the Bhardev area. However, Sanu Maya, a young owner of a poultry farm, planned her business ahead. She was able to sell all her chickens at a very competitive price. In addition, she was able to sell milk from her milk center to the communities nearby.
In parallel to her businesses, Sanu Maya runs a grocery shop. Even though it was open only for limited hours in the morning and evening, Sanu Maya and her husband have been able to earn some money to provide for their family. . When the shop was closed, they offered home delivery of orders received through her mobile phone. In this way, they were able to make sales and at the same time maintain good relations with customers during the whole lockdown.
With the support of the mentors of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Program, who helped her to improve her business, Sanu Maya received a NPR 4.5 million subsidy loan (approx. USD 38,000) with an interest rate of only 5.62%. The loan allowed her to invest in a rice mill and expand her poultry farm.
“I am very happy. This is the first time that I have a low interest rate, which allows me to repay the loan without any stress.”
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