Author: Tjarda Muller

  • Vlogging about selling clean energy products in East Flores

    Vlogging about selling clean energy products in East Flores

    Trisa Triandesa was one of the three selected volunteers in Koperkink’s #IDWomen4Energy programme. He lived for a month with one of Kopernik’s Wonder Women, to help her in her businesses, collecting merchandise and selling it. The enthusiastic actor and media consultant vlogged about his experience. Watch Trisa here, as he takes you along on his adventure!

  • From the digital world to real-life engagement

    From the digital world to real-life engagement

    For our Gender and Energy Advocacy Programme partner Kopernik’s Ina Saptiono had to create an engaging public advocacy campaign to raise awareness about women’s role in opening up energy access.  Ideas and brainstorm sessions turned into a successful volunteering program. From over 100 applicants, three volunteers were chosen to accompany and assist three of Kopernik’s…

  • Woman entrepreneur of the year award

    Woman entrepreneur of the year award

    The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves’ Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award recognizes outstanding female leaders in the household energy sector who are advancing clean cooking solutions in emerging markets. The Woman Entrepreneur of the Year will receive: US$1,000 grant to be used towards the winner’s activities in the clean cookstoves & fuels sector. Sponsorship…

  • Kopernik develops impact tracker technology catalogue

    Kopernik develops impact tracker technology catalogue

    A catalogue of affordable, simple tools to help you collect data, communicate with clients and measure impact What if nonprofits and social enterprises had an affordable way to report real-time, large-scale data on their social impact?   This question inspired Kopernik to create this catalogue. The Impact Tracker Technology (ITT) catalogue features a compilation of…

  • Webinar – Technology and data collection: Allies in women-centric energy access programmes

    Webinar – Technology and data collection: Allies in women-centric energy access programmes

    A webinar is organized by  IUCN’s GECCO initiative and ENERGIA Energy is fundamental to development. Energy access interventions are designed to reduce energy poverty and have the opportunity of doing so while also addressing gender gaps–i.e., increasing well-being and lifting women and their families out of poverty. As a result of this rationale there has been a surge of…

  • Webinar: Use of an indicator framework to evaluate and measure social impact

    Webinar: Use of an indicator framework to evaluate and measure social impact

      Please join the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (Alliance) on Monday, October 24 at 8:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) for a webinar designed for Alliance new and existing partners. This webinar is part of a series that provides an introduction to the Alliance for new and current partners and an overview of how…

  • New initiative to bolster women’s involvement in the energy sector

    Energy 4 Impact is scheduled to officially launch a new programme that seeks to boost women’s involvement in the renewable energy value chain in East Africa. Funding for the two-year Women Integration into Renewable Energy (WIRE) Value Chains programme was secured in early September 2016. It seeks to integrate 400 women in rural Kenya and…

  • E-discussion: Light up and power Africa for women and men

    E-discussion: Light up and power Africa for women and men

    Light up and power Africa for women and men This online discussion is organized by the Gender in Practice Community of Practice in partnership with ENERGIA, Power Africa and various private sector organizations. We invite you to engage in this discussion and share your views and ideas on this topic by registering directly on the GiP-CoP platform or…

  • Webinar – Scaling up gender:  Women in off-grid energy business models and supply chains

    Webinar – Scaling up gender: Women in off-grid energy business models and supply chains

    Join The Low Carbon Energy for Development Network and  Smart Villages on Thursday, 13 October 2016, 12 noon UK / 1pm CEST Registration link: In August, the Low Carbon Energy for Development Network and  Smart Villages held a successful webinar focusing on women and entrepreneurship in off-grid communities, with views from Solar Sister, Ajima Farms Ltd, Power4All, and Kopernik. (…

  • Poor People’s Energy Outlook 2016

    Poor People’s Energy Outlook 2016

    The 2016 edition of the Poor People’s Energy Outlook (PPEO) is now available to read and download online. Click here to view the report. The PPEO 2016 is the fifth in the PPEO series and first in a keenly-awaited new suite of three, which builds on the Total Energy Access Framework that we have developed…

  • Matilia Cedillo knows: Renewable energy can solve a dual challenge.

      Alianza Centroamericana para la Sostenibilidad Energética (ACCESE) is a network of over 70 organisations from Central America working towards the goal of sustainable energy for all. With the support and involvement of Hivos Central America, the network’s reach is felt far and wide. International agendas can be influenced by the network’s local actors, and vice…

  • The story of energy access

    The story of energy access

    Globally, 1.3 billion people lack access to energy and 2.6 billion people rely on unhealthy biomass for cooking and heating. Hivos and ENERGIA work towards access to clean and sustainable energy for all. In Guatemala, women like Matilia Cedillo transformed their lives and those of the people around them with solar power. Thanks to training, Rovina…