Archives: Documents
Policy Brief: What we know so far and policy considerations
Energy policy is usually gender-blind. This makes it harder to achieve SDG targets relating to gender equality and sustainable energy access for all. The Gender and Energy Research Programme is helping to build the knowledge that countries need in order to develop and reform their energy sectors in a more gender-sensitive way. Energy interventions affect…
Female microenterprise creation, gender and welfare impacts, and business models for low-cost off-grid renewable energy: Multiple randomised experiments
Globally, 1.3 billion are without modern power, and grid expansion is not expected to keep pace with population growth. The viability of most enterprises for renewable lighting has been severely limited by pricing of products and financing mechanisms available. Behavioural aspects such as inconvenience associated with use represent further barriers to uptake and use of…
Mainstreaming gender in energy sector practice and policy lessons from the ENERGIA International Network
The commissioned research focused on using evidence from ENERGIA’s experience with gender approaches to build insights for future implementation and to inform policy and practice according to the Theory of Change as presented by UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). These approaches have been widely used by ENERGIA through a range of projects and programmes…
Gender mainstreaming in rural electrification projects in Uganda: Initial scoping mission
The Rural Electrification Agency (REA), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, is guided by a number of key Ugandan development policy objectives as well as energy policy including a mandate to mainstream gender, with the long-term objective of eliminating gender inequalities. REA has recognized gender concerns in some of its activities, and is seeking to…