Focal area: Gender mainstreaming
Productive uses of energy: The informal food sector in South Africa, Rwanda and Senegal
This report represents the Scoping Phase (Phase 1) of Research Area 2 – Productive uses of Energy – of ENERGIA’s Gender and Energy Research Programme. This Research Area applies a gender perspective to explore: (i) the energy sources used by micro and small enterprises in the informal food sector; (ii) the changes that may be…
Female microenterprise creation, gender and welfare impacts, and business models for low-cost off-grid renewable energy: Multiple randomised experiments
Globally, 1.3 billion are without modern power, and grid expansion is not expected to keep pace with population growth. The viability of most enterprises for renewable lighting has been severely limited by pricing of products and financing mechanisms available. Behavioural aspects such as inconvenience associated with use represent further barriers to uptake and use of…
Asia LEDS Webinar Series #3: Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Sector
Hosted by the Asia LEDS Partnership and the Energy Working Group of the LEDS Global Partnership Please register here. Description This webinar is a cooperation of the Asia LEDS Partnership and the Energy Working Group of LEDS GP, the Gender Equality for Climate Change Opportunities (GECCO) initiative, a five-year program launched by USAID and IUCN in…
Exploring Factors that Enhance and restrict Women’s Empowerment through Electrification (EFEWEE) – Scoping study report
The overall objective of this independent research project is to examine how policy and practice may enhance women’s empowerment though electrification in rural areas in the South. We consider women’s empowerment as a process towards gender equality, hence a concept that requires analytic attention to women, men, girls and boys. We divide the work into…
The Gender Factor in Political Economy of Energy Sector Dynamics – Scoping study report
This research proposal is based on the premise that it is necessary to include gender concerns in the political economy of energy access. In addition to a structural analysis of power in conventional concerns of political economy, we underscore the need for a gender analysis of political and economic processes to understand the strategic energy…
Mainstreaming gender in energy sector practice and policy lessons from the ENERGIA International Network
The commissioned research focused on using evidence from ENERGIA’s experience with gender approaches to build insights for future implementation and to inform policy and practice according to the Theory of Change as presented by UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). These approaches have been widely used by ENERGIA through a range of projects and programmes…
Cocinas saludables en los hogares y negocios familiares rurales y urbanos de Nicaragua Programa de cocinas mejoradas de Asociación Fénix
El presente documento es el tercero de una serie de cuatro estudios de caso que se llevarán a cabo en Centroamérica bajo esta iniciativa. “Cocinas saludables en los hogares y negocios familiares rurales y urbanos de Nicaragua” destaca los resultados en términos de igualdad de género obtenidos por la Asociación Fénix, una organización no-gubernamental y…
Experiencia de inclusión de género en la implementación de la microcentral hidroeléctrica comunitaria Batzchocolá, Nebaj, Quiché, Guatemala
El presente documento es el tercero de una serie de cuatro estudios de caso que se llevarán a cabo en Centroamérica bajo esta iniciativa. “Experiencia de inclusión de género en la implementación de la microcentral hidroeléctrica comunitaria Batzchocolá, Nebaj, Quiché, Guatemala” destaca los resultados en términos de igualdad de género obtenidos por la Semilla de…
Guía Sobre Género y Energía Para Capacitadoras(es) y Gestoras(es) de Políticas Públicas y Proyectos
La guía es una compilación de materiales y documentos previamente producidos por otras fuentes, que recoge la experiencia de las organizaciones vinculadas con las redes de género y energía de Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, la plataforma virtual de Género y Energía de OLADE, algunas instancias gubernamentales del sector energético de Nicaragua y Uruguay, la…
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Toolbox – Promotion for Renewable Energy Technologies
The concept of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is the new for the AEPC/NRREP and related stakeholders working for it. Unless the professional working in renewable energy sector has clear understanding on GESI, the target set by the program would not be materialised. The professional working at community level, district to center level must…
Creando condiciones para la equidad de género en proyectos públicos de electrificación rural La Experiencia del Proyecto de Electrificación de Nicaragua (PELNICA)
This study examines the benefits that can be derived through gender mainstreaming in sustainable energy projects, specifically looking at the case for PURE in Nicaragua. Attention is given to activities that boost women’s participation in decision making and non-traditional roles.
Guide on Gender Mainstreaming in Energy and Climate Change Projects
This Guide aims at “demystifying” gender mainstreaming and providing practical guidance on how to systematically address gender inequalities specifc toUNIDO’s energy and climate change interventions. Gender equality is a goal in its own right, but it is also vital to the achievement of other development goals, such as poverty reduction and environmental sustainability. To ensure…