Focal area: Womens economic empowerment
Women must take center stage in energy policies and investments
On International Women’s Day ENERGIA calls for women to be at the heart of energy policies and investments. Watch the video or read the full text below. Sheila Oparaocha, ENERGIA International coordinator and programme manager said: As the world celebrates women on International Women’s Day, we at ENERGIA want to highlight a critical aspect in…
Working with young people and their educators in Nepal
Centre for Rural Technology Nepal (CRT/N) has been actively reaching out to children and young people, their parents and educators, to advocate sustainable energy and increase awareness of its importance. In the past year, advocacy and awareness raising in Nepal included a creative portrayal of the importance of improved cookstoves, capacity building programmes, the distribution…
Five role models win ENERGIA Women Entrepreneurship Award 2017
We are pleased to announce five women from Asia and Africa as winners of the ENERGIA Women Entrepreneurship Award 2017. The award is meant to recognize outstanding work and encourage the winners to perform even better in the future. ENERGIA’s partners in the implementation of the Women Economic Empowerment (WE) Programme nominated the candidates for the…
Solar Sister: A passion for energy and women’s empowerment
Katherine Lucey, Founder and CEO of Solar Sister, spent more than 20 years as an investment banker focused in the energy sector. After taking time off banking to be with her family of five children, she began searching for ways to return to energy that were more personally fulfilling and socially impactful. After a trip…
Vlogging about selling clean energy products in East Flores
Trisa Triandesa was one of the three selected volunteers in Koperkink’s #IDWomen4Energy programme. He lived for a month with one of Kopernik’s Wonder Women, to help her in her businesses, collecting merchandise and selling it. The enthusiastic actor and media consultant vlogged about his experience. Click below to follow Trisa on his adventure!
Webinar – Technology and data collection: Allies in women-centric energy access programmes
Technology and data collection: Allies in women-centric energy access programmes A webinar is organized by IUCN’s GECCO initiative and ENERGIA Energy is fundamental to development. Energy access interventions are designed to reduce energy poverty and have the opportunity of doing so while also addressing gender gaps–i.e., increasing well-being and lifting women and their families out of poverty. As a…
Agency building as part of integral support to women entrepreneurs
Support micro- and small scale women entrepreneurs to become successful business owners is much more than providing them with technical skills. Agency building is at least as important. But what is agency? How do you build, develop or strengthen it? Why is it so important? Unequal relations and standards Merriam-Webster defines agency as ‘a person…
Celebrities rooting for energy access
Getting people to understand and care for an issue gets a boost when celebrities root for your case. Our partners running public campaigns to raise awareness on the linkages between poverty, gender inequality and energy access, know this as no other. These campaigns have been endorsed by national celebrities. And it paid off. Together, they have reached…
Vlogging about selling clean energy products in East Flores
Trisa Triandesa was one of the three selected volunteers in Koperkink’s #IDWomen4Energy programme. He lived for a month with one of Kopernik’s Wonder Women, to help her in her businesses, collecting merchandise and selling it. The enthusiastic actor and media consultant vlogged about his experience. Watch Trisa here, as he takes you along on his adventure!
From the digital world to real-life engagement
For our Gender and Energy Advocacy Programme partner Kopernik’s Ina Saptiono had to create an engaging public advocacy campaign to raise awareness about women’s role in opening up energy access. Ideas and brainstorm sessions turned into a successful volunteering program. From over 100 applicants, three volunteers were chosen to accompany and assist three of Kopernik’s…
New initiative to bolster women’s involvement in the energy sector
Energy 4 Impact is scheduled to officially launch a new programme that seeks to boost women’s involvement in the renewable energy value chain in East Africa. Funding for the two-year Women Integration into Renewable Energy (WIRE) Value Chains programme was secured in early September 2016. It seeks to integrate 400 women in rural Kenya and…
The story of energy access
Globally, 1.3 billion people lack access to energy and 2.6 billion people rely on unhealthy biomass for cooking and heating. Hivos and ENERGIA work towards access to clean and sustainable energy for all. In Guatemala, women like Matilia Cedillo transformed their lives and those of the people around them with solar power. Thanks to training, Rovina…