Focal area: Womens economic empowerment
Watch Josephine Ngumba – Energy Entrepreneur from Kenya by Practical Action
Josephine Ngumba an energy entrepreneur from Kenya working with Practical Action speaks with Energia from the 2015 SE4All Forum in New York City where she is participating in a number of panels. Learn more about Practical Action by visiting
President Clinton visits Solar Sister’s site in Tanzania
After a breakfast at the Ngorongoro Crater Ring, President Clinton drove for half an hour to Nainokanoka Dispensary in Ngorongoro. At the dispensary, he was greeted by a representative from the Ministry of Health, Arusha Regional medical office, dozens of local villagers and health care workers. Dr. Shemaghembi I. Bakari, in charge of the Nainokanoka…
Empowering Women and Eradicating Energy Poverty in Africa: Schwab Foundation Honors Solar Sister CEO Katherine Lucey
Solar Sister, a network of women entrepreneurs bringing clean energy to rural Africa, recently announced Chief Executive Officer Katherine Lucey has been named a Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur. Lucey has been recognized for leading the organization’s success in improving the health, safety, education and economic prosperity of communities in rural Africa through solar energy businesses. Solar Sister’s social enterprise model is…
Senegalese Women Makes Inroads In Energy Markets
An increasing number of businesswomen are joining their male counterparts in developing new energy markets in rural Senegal and providing much needed energy products and services to remote communities. In a bid to support women’s entrepreneurial spirit and encourage their economic empowerment, GVEP and SEM Fund are working with women in Tambacounda and Kédougou to…
Women, Energy & Economic Empowerment Panel discussion
Thursday, March 19, 2015 Washington, DC 8:00 – 10:00 AM How can energy programs improve women’s economic empowerment?Hosted by the Deloitte Center for Energy Solutions and ENERGIA, join us for a panel discussion, breakfast, and networking event on the link between women, energy, and economic empowerment. Globally, billions of dollars of funding are being committed…
Kopernik’s Wonder Women in Eastern Indonesia
Kopernik is very happy to announce the expansion of their Wonder Women initiative in eastern Indonesia, which will engage more than 500 women as clean energy micro-social-entrepreneurs over the next three years. This expansion is made possible by support from ENERGIA, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation…
Call for Proposals Gender and Advocacy programme – CLOSED
ENERGIA invites proposals from its National Focal Points, its WEE programme partners and other organisations, to form consortia to implement its gender and energy advocacy programme. The United Nations General Assembly declared the decade 2014-2024 as the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL). The first two years of this decade wil focus on a…