topics-n: Covid-19
Women leaders call for action in response to COVID-19: Opening opportunities for gender equality in the transition to sustainable energy
An opinion piece by Sheila Oparaocha and Elizabeth Cecelski (ENERGIA), Rabia Ferroukhi (IRENA), Dymphna van der Lans (Clean Cooking Alliance), Irene Giner-Reichl (GWNET), Monica Maduekwe (ECREEE), Ajaita Shah (Frontier Markets) As women leaders working to achieve sustainable energy for all, we are calling for gender equality in post-COVID-19 measures to build back better! Women…
Webinar: COVID-19 and Women’s Energy Entrepreneurship
ENERGIA, Sustainable Energy for All, the Clean Cooking Alliance, and members of the People-Centered Accelerator are taking an active role to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting women entrepreneurs in the sustainable energy sector. We are all in this together and are seeking to better understand the effects of this global pandemic on our…
How Assy Ba is coping with the severe impacts on her business
My business has been heavily affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, due to the restrictions placed on travels. The economic impact on my activity is severe. Once my savings are gone, I will not have any other sources of income to feed my family, let alone to repay my business loan. Assy is a…
Kamala Bhattarai’s race against time
One morning, I went to my poultry farm to see the chickens and I was shocked seeing almost 700 chickens lying dead. I was speechless. I don’t know how I came back home. My daughter tried to talk to me but I was unconscious and could not respond to her. When I regained consciousness,…
Jane Anyango Kola’s post-coronavirus hopes for her community
I believe that this crisis could be an opportunity to promote clean and modern energy services in rural areas. This would also help my business grow, while improving health and education in my community. Jane Anyango Kola lives in Homabay Town, on the shores of Lake Victoria in Western Kenya. She has been…
Energy access and clean cooking solutions must be part of COVID-19 economic recovery plans
The response to the COVID-19 crisis must not divert the world away from reaching the climate goals, a just energy transition and an equal and inclusive society, say Eco Matser (Program Manager Climate & Energy at Hivos), Sheila Oparaocha (International Coordinator and Program Manager at ENERGIA) and Hon. Kandeh Yumkella (Ph.D., Founder & CEO of…
ENERGIA & partners analyze COVID-19 impact on gender and energy nexus
The coronavirus crisis is putting a tremendous strain on the global economy and public health systems, as well as on the energy supply and access systems that support them. It highlights and magnifies inequalities and the multiple forms of discrimination that women and girls face, including in the energy sector. The pandemic is moving beyond…
Using Covid-19 recovery plans to tackle the root causes of noncommunicable diseases
An opinion piece by Dr Simon Batchelor (MECS), Sheila Oparaocha (ENERGIA/Hivos) & Hon. Dr. Kandeh.K. Yumkella (TENN). Covid-19 is devastating for low income economies because of pre-existing health, gender & economic conditions. Here, Dr Simon Batchelor (MECS), Sheila Oparaocha (ENERGIA/Hivos) & Dr. Kandeh.K. Yumkella (TENN) discuss how recovery plans can be used to tackle…
COVID-19: Message to our partners
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, Hivos Executive Director Edwin Huizing sent a message to all Hivos partners, including those that have a contractual relationship with ENERGIA. Read Mr. Huizing’s letter below. March 19, 2020 Dear friends of Hivos, The COVID-19 crisis is confronting us all with health risks, social changes, and an uprooted daily life…