Skip to: Women can be true change makers in the scaling up of energy access

Energia website

  • Pursuing the goal of universal access to modern energy services by 2030 – while 1.1 billion people still live without energy access, and more than 2.7 billion without clean cooking facilities – requires concerted international effort and a break from business-as-usual. That is precisely what ENERGIA has been doing: building and taking part in international […]

  • “The same energy service may affect men and women in different ways, with different social or economic outcomes,” said Joy Clancy, Professor in Development Studies at the University of Twente, who is the Principal Researcher for ENERGIA’s Gender and Energy Research Programme. “However,” she continued, “there is little independent and empirical evidence of these differentiated […]

  • Acting on ENERGIA’s commitment to Sustainable Energy for All, we are following up on our global campaign on energy, women, children and health with awareness raising and advocacy campaigns in five countries: Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal, Senegal and Tanzania. The aim of our Gender and Energy Advocacy Programme is to convince governments and donors to invest […]

  • Sheila Oparaocha, the International Coordinator and Programme Manager of the ENERGIA International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, has been confirmed as the newest addition to Energy 4 Impact’s Board of Trustees. Read more

  • “Make sure that women are at the heart of energy policies and investments. This area truly holds tremendous potential to empower women and make the world a better place for everyone,” said Sheila Oparaocha, ENERGIA’s International coordinator and programme manager in her International Women’s Day message. Speaking about ENERGIA’s women-centred economic empowerment (WE) programme, Ibu […]

  • On International Women’s Day ENERGIA calls for women to be at the heart of energy policies and investments. Watch the video or read the full text below. Sheila Oparaocha, ENERGIA International coordinator and programme manager said: As the world celebrates women on International Women’s Day, we at ENERGIA want to highlight a critical aspect in […]

  • Centre for Rural Technology Nepal (CRT/N) has been actively reaching out to children and young people, their parents and educators, to advocate sustainable energy and increase awareness of its importance. In the past year, advocacy and awareness raising in Nepal included a creative portrayal of the importance of improved cookstoves, capacity building programmes, the distribution […]

  • ENERGIA’s International Coordinator and Programme Manager Sheila Oparaocha attended the three-day Women’s Energy Entrepreneurship workshop in Nairobi, Kenya. The event brought together people from all around the world to discuss women’s energy entrepreneurship and explore the role of gender-informed approaches that scale access to household energy, as well as increase gender equality and women’s empowerment. […]

  • We are pleased to announce five women from Asia and Africa as winners of the ENERGIA Women Entrepreneurship Award 2017. The award is meant to recognize outstanding work and encourage the winners to perform even better in the future. ENERGIA’s partners in the implementation of the Women Economic Empowerment (WE) Programme nominated the candidates for the […]

  • By Shukri Abdulkadir, ENERGIA Programme Officer “What do women want?” It was this age-old question that formed the central focus of the International Workshop on Gender and Energy, held on December 12, 2016 and the subsequent annual Gender and Energy Research Programme meeting. The international workshop presented a host of insights on energy and empowerment from […]

  • Inaugural lecture dr. Joy Clancy The effects of the energy transition have been addressed in numerous ways. The political and economic effects are under a magnifying glass, as the impacts are considered to be huge for the coming decades. But what is the relation between energy transition and gender equality? Dr. Joy Clancy, who held […]

  • Trisa Triandesa was one of the three selected volunteers in Koperkink’s #IDWomen4Energy programme. He lived for a month with one of Kopernik’s Wonder Women, to help her in her businesses, collecting merchandise and selling it. The enthusiastic actor and media consultant vlogged about his experience. Click below to follow Trisa on his adventure!