country: Asia
Gender review of energy policies and programmes, Nepal
As part of the ADB funded project Improving Gender-Inclusive Access to Clean and Renewable Energy project, ENERGIA conducted a gender review of energy policies and programmes in Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, as well as a region-wide review. The reviews show that in recent years, gains have been made in the region, especially in terms of electrification. The…
Gender review of energy policies and programmes, Bhutan
As part of the ADB funded project Improving Gender-Inclusive Access to Clean and Renewable Energy project, ENERGIA conducted a gender review of energy policies and programmes in Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, as well as a region-wide review. The reviews show that in recent years, gains have been made in the region, especially in terms of electrification. The…
Exploring Factors that Enhance and restrict Women’s Empowerment through Electrification (EFEWEE) – Scoping study report
The overall objective of this independent research project is to examine how policy and practice may enhance women’s empowerment though electrification in rural areas in the South. We consider women’s empowerment as a process towards gender equality, hence a concept that requires analytic attention to women, men, girls and boys. We divide the work into…
Practical Action: Women in Energy Enterprises in Kenya
A single mother of three, Margaret Kariuki used to sell milk to earn a living in Lanet Umoja in Nakuru county of Kenya. Now she runs a successful briquette business, thanks to training and mentorship from Practical Action. Practical Action Eastern Africa, in partnership with Sustainable Community Development Services (SCODE) is implementing the Women in Energy…
Making a difference by producing charcoal briquettes
The SE4ALL Forum in New York City this week has been full of inspiring and enlightening conversation. From motivating speeches to policy discussions, those gathered have been focused on developing methods for delivering more sustainable energy to a greater number of people around the world. Among those gathered who are already hard at work on…
Gender and Livelihoods Impacts of Clean Cookstoves in South Asia
A study that measured the use of improved cookstoves in India, Bangladesh and Nepal found that women spend the equivalent of more than two weeks each year collecting firewood in India. Households using cleaner, more efficient cookstoves saved significant amounts of time and used less fuel than those using traditional stoves. Women who saved time…
Gender and Livelihoods Impacts of Clean Cookstoves in South Asia
In South Asia, women play a significant and dominant role within the household cooking sector. Generally women do most of the cooking and, therefore, are disproportionately affected by household air pollution (HAP) caused by the inefficient burning of solid biomass cooking fuels. They are also required to spend a significant amount of time and effort…
Power, Gender and Fossil – Fuel Subsidy Reform in India
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Toolbox – Promotion for Renewable Energy Technologies
The concept of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) is the new for the AEPC/NRREP and related stakeholders working for it. Unless the professional working in renewable energy sector has clear understanding on GESI, the target set by the program would not be materialised. The professional working at community level, district to center level must…
Gender Mainstreaming in the Pakistan Domestic Biogas Programme
Mainstreaming Gender in Energy Projects Knowledge Products In 2007 ENERGIA started with its strategy to mainstream gender in energy projects. We worked with seven energy projects on gender mainstreaming. The projects varied from rural electrification programs to biogas to cook stove projects. Some were household energy projects, others also had a strong focus on energy…
Gender Mainstreaming in the Enhancing Renewable Energy Options Project, Sri Lanka
Mainstreaming Gender in Energy Projects Knowledge Products In 2007 ENERGIA started with its strategy to mainstream gender in energy projects. We worked with seven energy projects on gender mainstreaming. The projects varied from rural electrification programs to biogas to cook stove projects. Some were household energy projects, others also had a strong focus on energy…
Gender Mainstreaming to Strengthen Community Based Renewable Energy Systems in the Philippines
Mainstreaming Gender in Energy Projects Knowledge Products In 2007 ENERGIA started with its strategy to mainstream gender in energy projects. We worked with seven energy projects on gender mainstreaming. The projects varied from rural electrification programs to biogas to cook stove projects. Some were household energy projects, others also had a strong focus on energy…