Skip to: Vlogging about selling clean energy products in East Flores

Energia website

  • Trisa Triandesa was one of the three selected volunteers in Koperkink’s #IDWomen4Energy programme. He lived for a month with one of Kopernik’s Wonder Women, to help her in her businesses, collecting merchandise and selling it. The enthusiastic actor and media consultant vlogged about his experience. Click below to follow Trisa on his adventure!

  • Support micro- and small scale women entrepreneurs to become successful business owners is much more than providing them with technical skills. Agency building is at least as important. But what is agency? How do you build, develop or strengthen it? Why is it so important? Unequal relations and standards Merriam-Webster defines agency as ‘a person […]

  • Women entrepreneurs are now benefitting from increased access to solar energy to power their businesses in off-grid Senegal. Energy 4 Impact and Bonergie, a Senegalese solar equipment manufacturer, have teamed up to make solar fridges available to women-led businesses in the region of Tambacounda, south-east Senegal. The four businesses own convenience stores selling day to day […]

  • Solar Sister is excited to share the story of light, hope, and opportunity in Tanzania. Women + Energy: WESHINE is a campaign to raise awareness  and support for energy access and economic opportunity for women. Solar Sister released the first two video portraits of women entrepreneurs who are bringing clean energy to their communities… and the […]

  •   Through participating in an ADB-supported RSPN – ENERGIA training programme on the use of electricity for production, product improvement and skills enhancement, bamboo crafter Ugyen Choden (second from left) has more than doubled her income. Ugyen Choden is a 27-year-old single mother of two who lives in the village of Bjoka Trong in Lower […]

  • Solar Sister was founded on the idea that women have the potential to bring light, hope and opportunity to their communities. The organization provides technical, business, sales and marketing training to women in Africa. The training helps the women start small businesses, which sell sustainable energy products to their communities. Additionally, their network of entrepreneurs and […]

  • When you live in a world where electricity is available anytime with the flick of a switch, it can be hard to imagine how life-changing a single solar lamp or a more efficient cookstove can be. But then you meet our Solar Sister entrepreneurs, and see the smiles on the faces of their customers– students […]

  • The commissioned research focused on using evidence from ENERGIA’s experience with gender approaches to build insights for future implementation and to inform policy and practice according to the Theory of Change as presented by UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). These approaches have been widely used by ENERGIA through a range of projects and programmes […]
