Author: Tjarda Muller

  • New policy briefs state immediate action is needed to close the energy gap by 2030

    New policy briefs state immediate action is needed to close the energy gap by 2030

    In September 2015, the international community came together and approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which contained 17 goals and over 169 targets to “provide a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet”. Among others, one of the greatest challenges facing countries in meeting the 2030 goals is universal energy…

  • NEW: Poor People’s Energy Outlook 2018

    NEW: Poor People’s Energy Outlook 2018

    PPEO 2018 builds on PPEO 2016 (bottom-up energy access planning) and PPEO 2017 (financing for energy access) to explore how access to energy can be accelerated to achieve both the scale required to meet our global 2030 goals, and the inclusivity required to leave no-one behind. The report looks at clean cooking, decentralised electricity and grid-extension case study programmes across sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia…

  • Linkages between gender-based violence and environmental issues — SURVEY

    Linkages between gender-based violence and environmental issues — SURVEY

    Inequalities and discriminations based on gender, such as GBV, and environmental unsustainability are deeply interlinked, such that tackling one without addressing the other is unlikely to succeed. Although largely undocumented to date, GBV and environment links may feature in conservation initiatives as well as those focused on gender, economic empowerment, development, humanitarian aid, and rights…

  • Research projects receive Best Paper Awards at Diana International Entrepreneurship Research Conference

    Research projects receive Best Paper Awards at Diana International Entrepreneurship Research Conference

    Bangkok, August 2, 2018 — We proudly announce that two projects from our Research Programme have been awarded at the Diana International Entrepreneurship Research Conference, held in Bangkok, July 31 – August 2, 2018. Research Project 2 and Research Project 7 teams were awarded the Best Junior Paper Award and the Best Conceptual Paper Award respectively. Research Project 2 on…

  • Beyond connections: MTF country based diagnostics Cambodia – Ethiopia – Rwanda

    Beyond connections: MTF country based diagnostics Cambodia – Ethiopia – Rwanda

    The Multi-Tear Framework (MTF) survey is a global baseline survey on household access to electricity and clean cooking, which goes beyond the binary approach to look at access as a spectrum of service levels experienced by households. Resources included are raw data, codebook, questionnaires, sampling strategy document, and country diagnostic report. Formats include zip file…

  • HLPF side-event: Can gender-sensitive approaches serve the aims of energy access for all?

    HLPF side-event: Can gender-sensitive approaches serve the aims of energy access for all?

      NEW YORK, July 9, 2018 – ENERGIA presented the preliminary findings of the Gender and Energy Research Programme at the High-Level Political Forum. The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), which will run for two weeks until July, 18 at the UN Headquarters in New York, brings together policy makers, government leaders and stakeholders under the…

  • Empowering Women: Pathways for Up-Scaling Women-Centric Approaches to Energy Access

    Empowering Women: Pathways for Up-Scaling Women-Centric Approaches to Energy Access

    Partner Working Session Empowering Women: Pathways for Up-Scaling Women-Centric Approaches to Energy Access This working session makes the business case for women-centric and gender-informed business models in the energy sector. The participatory session will share experiences, data and new resources around working with women in energy access initiatives. It will engage practitioners, INGOs, investors- focused…

  • Levers of Change: How Global Trends Impact Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Access to Sustainable Energy

    Levers of Change: How Global Trends Impact Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Access to Sustainable Energy

    Report launch Levers of Change: How Global Trends Impact Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Access to Sustainable Energy The report looks at key emerging issues, such as proliferating use of mobile money financing and declining decentralized renewable energy technology costs- and the extent to which women are able to leverage these trends so that they can gain access to electricity, clean cooking and other sustainable energy solutions. Find out more.

  • New “Faces of Energy” website provides first-ever interactive view on gender and socially inclusive sustainable energy efforts globally

    New “Faces of Energy” website provides first-ever interactive view on gender and socially inclusive sustainable energy efforts globally

    Vienna, Austria: Sustainable Energy for All and ENERGIA have come together to launch an interactive website that maps the global landscape of diverse stakeholders working on gender and energy in all corners of the world. The new Faces of Energy website, a project of the People-Centered Accelerator, provides a unique window to governments, businesses, nonprofit  organisations, investors, donors and…

  • Last Mile Learning: How local assistance and trust motivate last-mile customers

    Last Mile Learning: How local assistance and trust motivate last-mile customers

    MIT CITE research finds that Solar Sister’s model built on social networks and women entrepreneurs is reaching last-mile consumers. Research also shows that last-mile consumers place considerable importance on local after-sales services and purchasing from people they know and trust when it comes to solar energy. Read full entry.

  • wPower is hiring a copy editor

    The Partnership on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Renewables (wPOWER) is seeking the services of a copy editor to ensure production of material that is clear, consistent, credible and ready for publication. The copy editor should have a thorough knowledge of the english language and should follow house style and adhere to deadlines. The copy editor will work on…

  • Quantifying progress toward UN goal to  ‘Empower all women and girls’

    Quantifying progress toward UN goal to ‘Empower all women and girls’

    New Gold Standard framework provides a credible way to measure contributions of climate projects to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 – gender equality Geneva, Switzerland, 15 January 2018. Gold Standard has launched a new Gender Equality Framework within its standard ‘Gold Standard for the Global Goals’ to enable developers and funders of climate protection projects…