Category: ENERGIA
Researching for Greater Energy Equality: Highlights from research workshop and annual ENERGIA and partners’ programme meeting
By Melissa Ruggles and Shukri Abdulkadir, ENERGIA At the end of November ENERGIA and its research partners all gathered together thousand metres above sea level in Nepal for a workshop hosted by CRT-Nepal and the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) on Research Area 3 (RA3): The Political Economy of Energy Sector Dynamics on 27 November…
Closing the energy gap by 2030: The people-centered accelerator for equitable energy access
By Melissa Ruggles, ENERGIA The COP23 in Bonn ended nearly two weeks ago, and during the event a number of commitments were made and initiatives sparked. Among them was the launch of the People-Centered Accelerator on the 14th of November, announced by Rachel Kyte of Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) alongside ENERGIA’s Sheila Oparaocha and…
Equalizing access to cleaner energy in Indonesia: The evidence for pro-poor and gender-inclusive energy policy reform
By Melissa Ruggles In Indonesia, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is the most widely used energy source for cooking, and it is specifically an important source of energy for 50% of the poor and near-poor households who can access it. However, due to the rising costs of the fuel, and thereby the subsidies, the Indonesian government…
Advancing women’s leadership to tackle the impacts of climate change
By Melissa Ruggles/ENERGIA In her speech leading up to the COP23 in Bonn (6-17 November), Patricia Espinosa, the UN’s top climate change official, highlights the need to “significantly increase our efforts to reduce emissions and our carbon footprints,” and that “women must be at the forefront” of driving those efforts. Espinosa and others have been…
Keeping the Lights On: ENERGIA and Solar Sister’s successful partnership leverages women’s power to tackle energy poverty
By Melissa Ruggles* 2,371 women entrepreneurs recruited, trained and mentored, leading to 772,925 people with access to cleaner energy. These figures show how ENERGIA and Solar Sister have been transforming clean energy access for people in Uganda, Nigeria and Tanzania since becoming partners in September 2014. For four years now, Solar Sister has been a…
An Interview with Sheila Oparaocha: “Others have recognised the credibility of our key messages”
As the international coordinator and programme manager, Sheila Oparaocha is directly responsible for ENERGIA’s activities across the world. When she is not strategising, participating in conference calls and meetings at her office in the Netherlands, she is likely speaking at a high level forum, helping steer other organisations and efforts related to gender and energy,…
Cultivating women’s inner strength and capacities for entrepreneurship
Dr. Anita Shankar discusses agency building, ENERGIA’s work, and how women are empowered from the inside out. When you hear the word ‘agency’, the first thing that may come to mind is a physical entity, a building with people working away in an office, a travel agency, a recruitment agency, a government department, and so…
Exploring energy issues for women entrepreneurs in guatemala
A small team of Hivos team members and representatives from our host partner in Guatemala, Alterna Impact, went on a learning adventure on July 28 to meet with Guatemalan women entrepreneurs and learn about their needs and experiences around renewable energy. In the team were Raquel Chacón and Kattia Quirós from Hivos’ Costa Rica office…
Innovative public outreach in Indonesia
By Neva Nahtigal Kopernik, our partner in Indonesia, has been working to improve public understanding of issues related to women and energy access. At the core of their recent activities in pursuit of that goal is the Indonesian Women for Energy – or #IDWOMEN4ENERGY – campaign. As Kopernik’s communications officer Ina Saptiono explained, “This…
PRESS RELEASE: Women need a seat at the clean energy table
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania – On August 24, 2017, Solar Sister, in collaboration with the UN Foundation-led Energy Access Practitioner Network and ENERGIA will host a workshop to highlight the need for more meaningful inclusion of women in clean energy access value chains and policies. Solar Sister will also launch new research from the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship on the benefits of its…
The need for and the way to energy sovereignty in Nepal
Dr Indira Shakya, an independent researcher specialising in renewable energy and women empowerment who works with ENERGIA in Nepal, made the case for diversifying energy supply in Nepal and presented some policy recommendations in a recent article available online.
Famous singer lending her voice to the cause of expanding energy access and women’s opportunities
“We get a lot more media attention when our celebrity ambassadors take action, and we believe that having celebrities carry our message has enabled us to reach out to a wider segment of the population,” said Laura Nolan, Communications officer at Energy 4 Impact in Senegal. The most prominent celebrity that Energy 4 Impact has…