Skip to: Aïssata Ba plans to overcome issues with farm labour by mechanising her irrigation system

Energia website

  • After an extremely difficult few months marked by health issues, the death of her mother and the financial instability caused by the pandemic, Awa Sène began to resume her commercial activities in October 2021. She picked up trade by selling her fresh juices to children once schools reopened and also supplied chilled food products to […]

    Categories: Uncategorised
  • In Kenya, few rural households have access to electricity. Most rely on dangerous kerosene lamps, wood and charcoal. Caroline Akinyi is one of the Women Entrepreneurs under the Women in Energy Enterprises in Kenya (WEEK II) project working within Rongo town in Migori County. The mother of two started off her clean energy business in […]

  • Dorcas Mutashi, 26 years old is an entrepreneur selling solar products, improved cookstoves and pellets. Her business is located at Kewa village, Lugari sub-county, Kakamega County. Before joining the clean energy business, Dorcas used to work as a casual labourer with Kenya Highways Authority (KENHA) as a cleaner. Due to substandard payment, Dorcas quit her […]

  • When the pandemic plunged economies around the world into turmoil in spring 2020, small and micro businesses in sub-Saharan Africa were hit hard. On the one hand, such businesses were hamstrung as lockdowns and movement restrictions blocked their access to markets to sell their goods and services, whilst they also contended with interruptions to supply […]

  • Anthonia Agwunobi, a mother of 5, is a primary school teacher in Anambra State in southeastern Nigeria. Before becoming a Solar Sister Entrepreneur, Anthonia relied exclusively on her meager earnings as a teacher to support her family. Built on the trust and popularity as a well-respected teacher, Anthonia developed her business quickly in the early […]

  • Awa Sène was overjoyed when she took delivery of her second solar freezer in April 2021, a decision she had reached after discussing expansion plans with Energy 4 Impact Business Mentor, Dominique Thiaw. She immediately set out to widen her customer base to the surrounding villages. After a difficult period in which her business had […]

  • In a Maasai village in northern Tanzania, when the sky turns from deep marine blue at dusk to black night, the stars sparkle like jewels in the sky. Despite the big open sky, Solar Sister Entrepreneur Susanna Simon’s community is dark with only a few pinpricks of light coming from kerosene lamps. Most of the […]

  • Once she had finally paid off her solar water pump last June, thanks to the grant received through ENERGIA’s Covid19 Solidarity Fund, and with enough capital for seedlings, feritiliser and labour Aïssata Ba took some time at the end of the summer to prepare her land for a new agricultural cycle. She had already bought […]

  • Marketing trainings offered to Millicent Akinyi Dula by Practical Action’s Women in Energy Enterprises in Kenya project have not only been a life changing opportunity to her energy business but her life as a whole. The mother of six, who identified product demonstration as an ideal strategy to sell her clean energy business during the […]