Skip to: Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress

Energia website

  • This year’s International Women’s Day theme is Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress. ENERGIA wholeheartedly embraces this theme. Women are key in addressing the Social Development Goals (SDGs), dealing with the world’s biggest challenges today.  These goals, including SDG7 of ensuring affordable and clean energy for all by 2030, can only be met if women are […]

  • In late 2020, Senegalese entrepreneur Awa Sene was struggling to keep her cold trade business afloat amidst setback after setback. Pandemic-related restrictions led to a sharp drop in sales, and equipment malfunctions put a further strain on her cash flow. She was at the point where she had no choice but to put her cold […]

  • by Sheila Oparaocha, Director at ENERGIA The multiple and severe crises we are facing present us with serious issues that require immediate action. Yet our current political and economic system fails to ensure an equal and sustainable future that benefits all. We need a just energy transition that not only puts people and the environment […]

  • Best side event at this conference! I felt like we were really given a platform to voice our thoughts and that our input was highly valued Bianca Garvin -Global Youth Ambassador for GAUC: Global Alliance of Universities on Climate   Whilst the proportion of women in renewable energy jobs has increased in the last decade […]

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) and over 20 leaders from governments and international organizations gathered for the 2nd Meeting of the High-Level Coalition on Health and Energy on October 7, 2022 and called for action to increase climate resilience of health-care facilities and increase indoor air quality through sustainable energy. The Call to Action, focuses […]

  • In the countdown to 2030, it is more urgent than ever that we mobilize the necessary funding, partnerships, and policies to achieve clean cooking for all and accelerate progress toward global climate and development goals. From October 11-13, the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) and the government of Ghana will host the Clean Cooking Forum 2022 […]

  • To bridge the gender gaps throughout the energy supply chain and in decision-making groups, ENERGIA, EnDev, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Hivos and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) launched the Gender and Energy Innovation Facility (GEIF) in July 2020. The Facility supported pilot projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Nepal that developed, tested and […]

  • Pilot projects in Nepal provide insights into innovation on gender and energy   To bridge the gender gaps throughout the energy supply chain and in decision-making, ENERGIA, EnDev, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Hivos and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), launched the Gender and Energy Innovation Facility (GEIF) in July 2020. The Facility […]

  • A review of the pilot projects funded by the “Gender and Energy Innovation Facility” in Tanzania   To bridge the gender gaps throughout the energy supply chain and in decision-making, ENERGIA, EnDev, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Hivos and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), launched the Gender and Energy Innovation Facility (GEIF) in […]

  • This blog has been developed by ENERGIA, UNIDO and GWNET and is also posted on the Gender and Energy Compact website.    The Gender and Energy Compact strives to catalyze action towards gender equality and women’s empowerment. In doing so, the signatories and supporters want to accelerate a just, inclusive and sustainable energy transition. This […]

  • Maximizing impacts of energy access: How can green and just energy transitions catalyze development opportunities? Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 Time: 13:40 to 14:25 Location: Brussels Expo (Palais 7 and 11), Avenue De Miramar / Miramarlaan, B-1020 Brussels Studio 3 – Lab Debate Register here. (CLOSED). Recordings available here. Energy, as an enabler of development, […]

  • On May 17th-19th leading global energy stakeholders will gather in Kigali, Rwanda for the 2022 SEforALL Forum to take stock of progress, showcase success and identify solutions to achieve faster, broader gains toward sustainable energy for all. It serves as a platform to broker new partnerships, spur investment, address challenges and drive action towards realizing […]