Author: Tjarda Muller

  • Fulfilling the climate finance potential for the poor

    Current research and practices on how climate finance can serve the energy needs of the poor                 Achieving access to energy for all is essential in order to eliminate global poverty. This is reflected in Sustainable Development Goal 7 on pro- poor and renewable energy. In addition to…

  • Diving deep on gender-informed energy approaches

    Diving deep on gender-informed energy approaches

    Yesterday, on the first day of the Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF), ENERGIA jointly hosted a deep dive session exploring how gender and socially inclusive approaches for energy access are integral to bringing clean energy solutions to the last mile. In partnership with the World Bank Group, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, ADB and Energy for…

  • ENERGIA News: Gender and Energy Research

    ENERGIA News: Gender and Energy Research

    This new issue of ENERGIA News is dedicated to ENERGIA’s Gender and Energy Research Programme.  Our gender and energy research programme runs from February 2014 to February 2019 with financial support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID). It aims to generate and analyse empirical evidence on the links between gender, energy and poverty, and to translate this evidence…



    Solar Sister is excited to share the story of light, hope, and opportunity in Tanzania. Women + Energy: WESHINE is a campaign to raise awareness  and support for energy access and economic opportunity for women. Solar Sister released the first two video portraits of women entrepreneurs who are bringing clean energy to their communities… and the…

  • Asia LEDS Webinar Series #3: Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Sector

    Hosted by the Asia LEDS Partnership and the Energy Working Group of the LEDS Global Partnership Please register here. Description This webinar is a cooperation of the Asia LEDS Partnership and the Energy Working Group of LEDS GP, the Gender Equality for Climate Change Opportunities (GECCO) initiative, a five-year program launched by USAID and IUCN in…

  • Catalyst Fund 2016: increasing access to finance for women-led businesses

    The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) invites proposals from ANDE members interested in receiving support to fuel initiatives increasing access to finance for women-led businesses and supporting invention-based enterprises. Proposals must be received by 11:59pm EDT Friday, July 1. 2016. The goal of the Catalyst Fund is to increase the productivity and effectiveness of ANDE…

  • Reaching the last mile: Gender approaches for energy access in action

                  On the occasion of the 2016 ASIA CLEAN ENERGY FORUM ENERGIA, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, the World Bank, and the Asia Sustainable and Alternative Energy Program invite you to a deep dive session on  REACHING THE LAST MILE: GENDER APPROACHES FOR ENERGY ACCESS IN ACTION    …

  • ENERGIA Receives Award for Contribution to Gender Equality at Inclusive Energy Solutions Conference

    ENERGIA Receives Award for Contribution to Gender Equality at Inclusive Energy Solutions Conference

    On 11 and 12 April this year the Asian Development Bank (ADB) organised a conference on gender inclusive energy solutions in South Asia. During the conference, ENERGIA and its NGO partners, Royal Society for Protection of Nature, Practical Action and Centre for Rural Technology – Nepal, received a special award for its contribution to gender…

  • With proper knowledge, reducing electricity cost and consumption is not hard

    With proper knowledge, reducing electricity cost and consumption is not hard

      In the Ampara district in Eastern Sri Lanka, Rasika Jayanthi attended Practical Action’s awareness training on efficient electricity use. Her electricity bills have since gone down from LKR 2,000 to an average of LKR 750[1]. Meter reading is conventionally seen as a technical task that can be handled only by trained meter readers. However,…

  • Small steps, big differences: An entrepreneur in the making

    Small steps, big differences: An entrepreneur in the making

      Through participating in an ADB-supported RSPN – ENERGIA training programme on the use of electricity for production, product improvement and skills enhancement, bamboo crafter Ugyen Choden (second from left) has more than doubled her income. Ugyen Choden is a 27-year-old single mother of two who lives in the village of Bjoka Trong in Lower…

  • When the Smoke Clears: Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement through Clean Cooking

    The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves in partnership with the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund, the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of the Global Environment Facility, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, and the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum of Kenya; invites you to attend an official United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2) side event When the Smoke…

  • Regional gender review of energy policies and programmes, South Asia

    As part of the ADB funded project Improving Gender-Inclusive Access to Clean and Renewable Energy project, ENERGIA conducted a gender review of energy policies and programmes in Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, as well as a region-wide review. The reviews show that in recent years, gains have been made in the region, especially in terms of electrification. The…