Category: ENERGIA
Men: To the kitchen!
Going digital to influence the next generation in gender and energy To bridge the gender gaps throughout the energy supply chain and in decision-making, ENERGIA, EnDev, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Hivos and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), launched the Gender and Energy Innovation Facility (GEIF) in July 2020. The Facility supports…
Sarmila Tamang Lama receives the “Certificate of Honor” at the Sixth International Women Entrepreneur Trade Fair 2022
On occasion of “Sixth International Women Entrepreneur Trade Fair 2022” organized by the Federation of Women Entrepreneurs Association of Nepal (FWEAN) Ms. Sarmila Tamang Lama has been honored for “being a source of inspiration for all women entrepreneurs by contributing to the economic growth of Nepal through the exemplary work done in the field of…
Challenging gender norms through innovation in clean energy
A review of the pilot projects funded by the “Gender and Energy Innovation Facility” in Tanzania To bridge the gender gaps throughout the energy supply chain and in decision-making, ENERGIA, EnDev, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Hivos and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), launched the Gender and Energy Innovation Facility (GEIF) in…
Breaking the energy chains: From exploitation to nurturing of trees
To bridge the gender gaps throughout the energy supply chain and in decision-making groups, ENERGIA, EnDev, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Hivos and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), launched the “Gender and Energy Innovation Facility” (GEIF) in July 2020. The Facility supports pilot projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Nepal that develop, test and…
Kenya’s first locally produced solar system that empowers women
To bridge the gender gaps throughout the energy supply chain and in decision-making groups, ENERGIA, EnDev, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Hivos and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), launched the “Gender and Energy Innovation Facility” (GEIF) in July 2020. The Facility supports pilot projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Nepal that develop, test and…
Investing in a cleaner and greener future led by inspirational women
How the “Gender and Energy Innovation Facility” supported innovation in the Kenyan energy sector with a focus on women empowerment To bridge the gender gaps throughout the energy supply chain and in decision-making groups, ENERGIA, EnDev, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Hivos and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), launched the Gender and…
Catalyzing action towards gender equality and women’s empowerment: Highlights from the Gender and Energy Compact events
This blog has been developed by ENERGIA, UNIDO and GWNET and is also posted on the Gender and Energy Compact website. The Gender and Energy Compact strives to catalyze action towards gender equality and women’s empowerment. In doing so, the signatories and supporters want to accelerate a just, inclusive and sustainable energy transition. This…
Aïssata Ba plans to overcome issues with farm labour by mechanising her irrigation system
When the unexpected departure of labourers during a critical stage of her vegetable crop production jeopardised her livelihood, Aïssata Ba decided she needed to reduce her dependence on seasonal agricultural workers. She knew that the most effective way of achieving greater self-reliance would be to mechanise the irrigation of her farmland by investing in a…
MPs from nine African countries share experiences on gender and access to energy
On 24 May, the Climate Parliament hosted a virtual parliamentary roundtable on gender and energy access. This session featured two world-leading experts in this field, Magi Matinga, Technical Advisor at ENERGIA, an international network of organisations focused on promoting equal access to energy services for women and men as an essential right to development, and…
ENERGIA is now a signatory of the EU Commission’s Equality Platform for the Energy Sector
ENERGIA is pleased to announce that it has joined the European Commission’s Equality Platform for the Energy Sector as a Signatory.* The Platform aims at strengthening the commitment to equality in the energy sector, notably by creating workplaces that are more diverse and inclusive. It functions as a forum to discuss equality related issues and…
Taking stock of 25 years of bringing gender into the energy conversation Over the past 25 years, ENERGIA has been calling for a gender-equal energy sector. These experiences have now been compiled in a virtual overview. This overview retraces key strategies, achievements and resources that allowed the Network to be a critical player in the…
Internships at ENERGIA
Region: Worldwide Office: Hivos Hub Global Office, The Hague (or remote from any other place in the world) Application deadline: January 15, 2022 We are currently seeking to appoint highly motivated individuals enrolled in a master’s, postmasters, or doctorate program with experience working on energy and/or economic issues. Are you interested in social development, equity…